

A Resource for Technology Bits and Pieces

Technology Resources

A selection of various technology resources which I've found useful

Shopping Resources

So many online stores, so little time and money ...
  • B&Q Online DIY Store
    B&Q DIY store is a must-shop destination if you're in the UK and you have any sort of DIY work to do. Everything from a packet of screws to wallpaper, paints, high-end power tools, garden furniture and much more.

  • Amazon UK
    There's no list of handy stores would be complete without Amazon, so this link to Amazon's UK store will hopefully be useful to someone. [purchasing from Amazon via the given link may earn commission for this site].

  • AA Breakdown
    There's nothing worse than being on a car trip and having your vehicle break down. So, cue AA Breakdown for fast efficient UK breakdown recovery services, the largest and oldest vehicle breakdown recovery service in the UK.

Quote of the day: live life